We are building a new Devastator and it it will take a while to update this site.
You won't be able to find this site at it's URL anymore.
Only when the updates are complete will you be able to find this site.
Here are some pictures for you before we go temporarily.
Our old version of Mixmaster.
He is better looking then our other guy, right?
Our new Devastator head, (Mixmaster). Say "Hello!" Devvy!
Or should that be "Goodbye?"
Anyway, we will see you in a week. I hope you can stand it. Poetic, that we are choosing Halloween as the time we disappear from the face of internet. (Unless some clever person searches really well).
You have a week to read this before we close.
Meanwhile, Origin of Megatron and Legacy of Unicron are still able to be seen.
Check them out instead of this if you are bored.
Thank You.